How to measure the ROI of an influence campaign?

Measuring ROI influence

Measuring the ROI of an influence campaign is crucial. It helps you understand the impact of your marketing investments. This article details how media research and Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE) can help. Keep reading to learn how to determine the monetary value of your media presence and optimize your future strategies.



How to assess the ROI of an influence campaign?


The response in two words: visibility studies!


This allows you to delve into the details of your visibility and conduct quantitative and qualitative analyses on specific subjects: a collaboration, an event, a spokesperson… Among quantitative elements, notably, is the return on investment. Indeed, thanks to the method of valuing your publications based on Advertising Value Equivalency (AVE), you can determine the amount you would have spent to occupy the same space as that dedicated to you by the media. This method can be applied across various channels: print media, online media, radio, television…

Let’s take an example.

Your new collaboration with a popular personality has caught the attention of Madame Figaro, which dedicated a full page to the campaign. Using the AVE-based valuation method, you obtain a value of €37,000 for this visibility. Assuming your investment in this collaboration is €20,000, your ROI would then be 85%.



How to know if an influence campaign was successful?


Calculating your ROI is essential, but depending on the initial objective of your campaign, the KPIs you focus on may vary. Visibility studies allow you to integrate a large number of criteria:


  • Reach: How many people were reached by your campaign?
  • The number of engagements on social media: Did the posts about the operation create a buzz?
  • The tone: Was the reception of the campaign positive, negative, neutral?
  • The Earned Media Value; This indicator provides you with a monetary valuation of your social media visibility.



About us


Specializing in media impact measurement, Estimation Média conducts comprehensive visibility studies and media reviews. We analyze your international presence in press, web, television, radio, and social media.

Our customized assessments explore the specifics of your brand: the impact of your collections, fashion shows, events, and spokespersons. Our detailed and multidimensional analyses aim to provide insights into the performance of your communication strategies, guiding future directions.


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